Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recipe Organization

I think I found a way to organize my recipes.
I wanted something that was fluid, since I'm always on the lookout for something new and my recipe box is too small for my ever changing recipe formats. When I got a recipe on something bigger than a 3 x 5 card it went to a file folder and then that was very disorganized. I also have a few recipes that I use out of cookbooks and so I had a stack of books that were rarely used, but necessary when the recipe was called for. There was not room for them to stay orderly. It was a mess.
I have decided to go with 3 loose leaf binders. One will be main dishes, the other two will be divided up with other categories. I can not really make an index that would last long, so I am just putting the recipes in plastic sheet protectors and putting them in alphabetical order. When I print out a new one, I can put it where it goes alphabetically. I am also printing them out in a size 16 font so I don't have to put on my glasses to read them.
This is a work in progress. I am typing the recipes from my cook books and putting them away.  I actually print them for my book when I blog them.
I hope this is going to work!